
Dental Implants

Implants are an effective and time-tested way to replace missing teeth. They mimic the form and function of dental roots. They can replace a single tooth or several teeth, and in some cases, support a full set of dentures (All On Implants). They are made of a strong, light weight metal called Titanium, which is a biocompatible material, so it’s well accepted by the human body.

All On Implants

It’s the ideal treatment for patients who have significant tooth loss, severe periodontal disease, excessive tooth decay or extreme bone loss. Or are currently wearing removable complete dentures.

It’s the optimal solution, and very cost-efficient way to restore the entire upper and/or lower set of teeth, by providing a fixed denture supported by implants. Most commonly 4 to 6 implants are used in each arch, depending on the amount of remaining bone and specific requirements of each patient.

This treatment restores confidence and function for people who have removable dentures, since they act and feel like real teeth again.


Crown restorations serve as covers for natural teeth that have considerable damage due to decay or fractures. They highly improve aesthetics and appearance, and protect the teeth from further decay or chipping.

They are made of durable material such as porcelain, that is bonded to the tooth, and blend in perfectly to their surroundings. Metal free restorations are the best option to give you a perfect smile.

Crowns can be complete or partial. The latest dental technics imply removing only the damaged part of the tooth, so we are able keep all healthy structure, and restore the tooth with partial crowns instead of having to file down healthy parts of the tooth, for the soul purpose of doing complete crowns. Preserving the natural structure gives a longer live to your teeth.

Porcelain Veneers

A veneer is a thin layer made of porcelain, that is cemented on the surface of a tooth, mostly anterior upper and/or lower front teeth.

Porcelain veneers are very popular among patients looking to improve their overall smile. They work great covering stained and chipped teeth, or that already have some kind of composite restoration. They are de best option, since the material is very durable and does not stain, like composites often do.

It’s also a great option for patients who wish to have a perfectly aligned smile, and are not interested in having an orthodontic treatment. You can have the smile you’ve always dreamed of, and as white as you want it, since we can choose the color of the porcelain you desire.

Teeth Whitening

Also known as dental bleaching. It’s a very common procedure, because it provides a whiter and brighter smile, making you look younger and refreshed.

As a person gets older teeth tend to get a little darker due to changes in the teeth structure, and the accumulation of stains from certain foods, like wine, coffee and tea, or tobacco products.

There are 2 kind of whitening; The “In Office Whitening”, also known as laser whitening, which has a higher concentration of peroxide in the bleach agent, and the “House Whitening”, with less concentration. They both work great; the difference is the laser works faster (just 45 minutes). But it comes down to what the patient prefers.

So, you don’t have to stop eating what you like in order to have a bright beautiful smile, we can reverse the aging of your teeth and make them look young again!!

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry involves combining several technics and procedures to improve your smile, not only making it more beautiful, but restoring the teeth’s structure for optimal function.

Some procedures are: White fillings (composites), dental whitening, veneers, crowns and implants. All these combined will give you a healthy and beautiful smile, that will make you look and feel years’ younger.

Cosmetic Dentistry can be very expensive in the US, but you will find Costa Rica offers a world-class service with the highest standards and state of the art facilities at a third of the cost. Don’t miss out on the opportunity of having the smile you’ve always wanted.

Oral Surgery

Many procedures involve oral surgery in modern dentistry. The most common surgery is the removal of wisdom teeth (third molars), which often can’t emerge from the gum because they don’t have enough space.

Some types of malocclusions or improper bites require orthognathic surgery, to align the upper and lower jaws. In some cases, there is an improper growth of the bones in the face, and this surgery really is a life changing procedure for patients with this condition.

Our oral surgeon also helps when we need to do certain bone grafts in patients who don’t have enough bone for implants. He can “grow” bone where we need it, so we can restore the patients smile and function in the best way possible.


We need a root canal treatment, when the teeth’s nerve is damaged due to cavities or fracture. We simple need to clean the inside of the root. A damaged nerve can be very painful, specially with cold and hot drinks. Once it is removed, the tooth heals completely, and the pain goes away.

A root canal procedure is absolutely painless, it’s done with local anesthesia, and it’s usually done in a single appointment. A proper restoration must be done when the root canal is concluded, it could be a filling or a crown, depending on the remaining dental structure. This procedure ensures a long-term success.

Our endo specialist uses the most advanced technics available to ensure the best outcome for our patients.


Invisalign braces is the latest technology available in the market. By using 3D computer imaging, clear aligners are fabricated to slowly move your teeth to the desired position. You can remove the aligners when you eat, and put them back on once you’ve brushed your teeth. They are barely visible, so it’s often the preferred choice in adults.

For younger patients, who might not be as strict with the use of the aligners, or patients who are willing to have conventional braces, we can offer a variety of materials. From the metal brackets and wires to the clear brackets, which are a more esthetic option.

Pediatric Dentistry

They are the ones specialized in the health of our little ones. They strive themselves to make sure the dental visit is as comfortable and pleasant for the kids as possible. They also give them all the tools necessary, so they can learn from a young age to take good care of their teeth, and keep healthy habits throughout their lives.

It’s important that they enjoy coming to the dentist. This habit will definitely help them avoid lots of headaches in their future.