
Oliva wanted to fully transform her smile. For years she was told by many doctors, she just couldn’t have implants done to replace her missing teeth, because she just didn’t have enough bone to place them.

She wore a partial upper denture because she was missing her upper molars. In the bottom, she only had her front teeth, which were in bad shape, and was also missing her molars.

After planning her treatment we began by creating bone where we needed it, in order to place some implants and restore her function with fixed zirconium bridges. Once we had all the bone grafting done, we where able to place 4 implants in her upper jaw, and 6 implants in her lower jaw.

In the bottom we decided to remove what was left of her teeth, since they where in no shape to be restored. After the implants where ready, we made 3 zirconium bridges to replace all her bottom teeth.

In the upper jaw, we replaced the partial removable denture with 2 zirconium bridges. Finally, we gave her a beautiful smile with porcelain veneers in her upper front teeth.

Oliva is now able to smile, without the fear of her dentures falling out when she talks or eats. She looks years younger.