
Peter is from Canada. He had done his research about having his dental work in Costa Rica, but he really couldn’t decide where to go. He felt he needed to meet the doctors in person. So he planned his trip, and set up 5 dental appointments in the clinics he considered to be the best for him in the San José area.

Peter wanted to align his teeth. He had braces when he was younger, but he wasn’t able to finish his treatment and didn’t want to it again. Peter had made up his mind, he wanted veneers to straigten his teeth and improve his smile. And we where happy to help. 

After doing the digital design for Peter’s smile, we decided the best option for him was to do  8 veneers in his upper teeth and 6 veneers in the bottom.

He also wanted to have a brighter, whiter smile, so we began by doing laser whitening

The outcome was fantastic, both Peter and us were thrilled to see that beautiful smile. Not only he got the perfect smile, but he loved Costa Rica. He was able to do a lot of local tourism, and made lots of new friends.

He promised to come back and visit soon. We can’t wait to see you again Peter!!!